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Is this the right place for RELZ posts?


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After Bethesda closed their Skyrim forum (I had been there for 10 years starting with Oblivion) I looked around and found this that this one looks and feels right (the most like the old bethesda forums). I tried the Bethesda.net (I really tried) but it has too many issues.


So is this forum "Mod Talk" the right place for [RELZ] posts?


Thank you.

Edited by DukePatrick
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Why did they close the old forums and start up a new one?


I only have speculations. The new forum looks like it is designed to be mobile and console friendly. But that could just be the bright style, wasted space and and large font format "look" (at least to my very old eyes). :shrug:



There are a lot of little things that make me... er, not as comfortable there. But the two that bug me the most for now is the lack of user post formatting and the feeling that there is a lot of posts/info I am not seeing unless I click dozens of times into various sub menus.


But I tried to overlook all that and use it anyway, until I discovered that there is no forum for Original Skyrim to post your non-SE Skyrim mods in. They only have a Skyrim SE forum and there are already people arguing/complaining about non SE posts in there.

Anyway that is not what this thread is about, I was not sure if I should post my MOD page here (I do not see any others in the few pages I looked at, I did see one WIP) in "Mod Talk" or not but I see no other forum that has a better title for it.


Have other people posted [RELZ] type post here?

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Generally no one does release announcements here. It seems redundant since this is a mod hosting site which has a comment area for each mod attached to the mod itself. The only thing the comment thread for the mod doesn't provide is a way to announce your mod's release, but that's not really how people find mods here.


The tradition of RELz threads (and I remember the days before we added the z) evolved on the Bethesda forums because mods were actually hosted on all sorts of places and Bethesda only provided the forums to discuss them. Back then the forums were the heart of the modding community, but now that they've moved to that "community" site they've also managed to kill the idea of a central meeting place and real sense of community we used to have.

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Generally no one does release announcements here. It seems redundant since this is a mod hosting site which has a comment area for each mod attached to the mod itself. The only thing the comment thread for the mod doesn't provide is a way to announce your mod's release, but that's not really how people find mods here.


The tradition of RELz threads (and I remember the days before we added the z) evolved on the Bethesda forums because mods were actually hosted on all sorts of places and Bethesda only provided the forums to discuss them. Back then the forums were the heart of the modding community, but now that they've moved to that "community" site they've also managed to kill the idea of a central meeting place and real sense of community we used to have.



mmmm.... I see


Well if nobody really minds (the site owners) I think I will continue posting my RELz thread just as I did on the old forum. I am an old dog and am more comfortable with my old tricks. I much prefer the formatting, post centralizing (as I upload to other sites as well) and the larger SPACE to write in here than in the comment sections (just what I am use to I guess).


Nice to see familiar friendly face here cdcooley. I am glad you are here on this forum.

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