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FO4Edit highlight/text clarification, help.


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it has been a long time since i've modded or edited mods in xEdit since skyrim and have forgotten the basics of it. especially the rule of highlighting conflicts and such. but in this case, i have just started looking into some armor and weapon mods that i want to investigate if their Leveled list is conflicting with others. and i've only found simple black texts and not much highlight other than green and black texts. (no reds, actually)

question is, what does it mean if FO4edit show no highlight, thus only in black text on white background? does it mean that it's not conflicting with other leveled list? also, most of this mods are Script driven leveled list, so my guess is that LL scripts with other LL scripts shouldn't conflict right? i need some clarifications on this. and thank you :smile:

Edited by zangetsu568
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