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Eagle Drags Goat Off Cliff


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Poor goat. :(

Seriously though, I would never have thought that eagle would have enough mass to drag that goat off a cliff. Guess I was wrong...

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I saw on NatGeo that there used to be a falcon that hunted people as a regular part of its diet. I'd much rather have them going after goats instead, but that's just me.

Ohh...I don't know woogie....could be a great way of gettin' rid of somebody you didn't like. Invite "bob" out to go camping and leave in the middle of the night. Now bob has to walk miles to the nearest busstop and with any luck, the falcon would do the dirty work for you. If the authorities find the body, well...."That damn falcon again!" :P

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I saw on NatGeo that there used to be a falcon that hunted people as a regular part of its diet. I'd much rather have them going after goats instead, but that's just me.

Ohh...I don't know woogie....could be a great way of gettin' rid of somebody you didn't like. Invite "bob" out to go camping and leave in the middle of the night. Now bob has to walk miles to the nearest busstop and with any luck, the falcon would do the dirty work for you. If the authorities find the body, well...."That damn falcon again!" :P

I like the way you think.


Sad, yet interesting.


At least the goat died quickly... :confused:


I'm kind of an animal lover... :biggrin:

Animals are animal-lovers too; didn't you see how much that eagle loved that freshly tenderized goat?

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