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Killmoves for Magic and Arrows


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We have mods to make killmoves more often.

Also i have seen some mods for more unarmed killmoves o.o


so i wonder...

would it be possible to make killmoves for magic spells?

-like a npc twitching many times after a lightning spell

-running around burning and transforming into a skeleton or draugh? *something which looks burned down*

-being able to freeze an enemy and then to shatter him with a mace?


or seeing an arrow flying in bullet time, piercing the enemy

-seeing the enemy flying with the arrow away

-seeing the arrow flying away with the npcs head?

-the arrow flying into the guards knee in slowmotion?


why shouldn't mages and bow-user got nice kill-moves too?


as an example some mage finisher moves in age of conan

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