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Unusual question


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This is a question about roleplay. I don't know if it's allowed, since only stuff I saw was about technical problems.

Here's the thing.

I have a character, he's currently level 21. His name is Davroar Wolfswift, and by backstory he's "Chosen by Hircine". It means he had hunger for raw meat, strong instincts and superhuman dexterity even before he became a werewolf, after joining the Companions. He was among the few able to defeat Avatar of Hircine, and Daedric prince took notice. I thought this was a badass background, after all, it pushed me all the way to this level. But after he finished the Companions storyline, I realized he has zero ambition to do anything else. It ended up that he's kind of a guy who's satisfied with just relaxing and following daily life, hunting, doing small quests for people who need him and leading the guild.

I don't really want to ditch this character - I played Skyrim with so many characters, and I don't want to go through the Helgen, Bleak Falls Barrow, Jarl Balgruf's quest and all those things again. But I just can't find any reason to continue with the main quest. I also don't see any reason to fight against the vampires - after all, if it doesn't hurt him personally, he doesn't want to lift a finger to fight back. This also renders whole Dragonborn DLC completely obsolete, and he's a warrior - he doesn't want to join Thieves guild, or worse, Dark Brotherhood.


I don't want to play a character who's only ambition is to build a house, hunt game and lead daily life.


What should I do?

Edited by Varahel
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This is a question about roleplay. I don't know if it's allowed, since only stuff I saw was about technical problems.

Here's the thing.

I have a character, he's currently level 21. His name is Davroar Wolfswift, and by backstory he's "Chosen by Hircine". It means he had hunger for raw meat, strong instincts and superhuman dexterity even before he became a werewolf, after joining the Companions. He was among the few able to defeat Avatar of Hircine, and Daedric prince took notice. I thought this was a badass background, after all, it pushed me all the way to this level. But after he finished the Companions storyline, I realized he has zero ambition to do anything else. It ended up that he's kind of a guy who's satisfied with just relaxing and following daily life, hunting, doing small quests for people who need him and leading the guild.

I don't really want to ditch this character - I played Skyrim with so many characters, and I don't want to go through the Helgen, Bleak Falls Barrow, Jarl Balgruf's quest and all those things again. But I just can't find any reason to continue with the main quest. I also don't see any reason to fight against the vampires - after all, if it doesn't hurt him personally, he doesn't want to lift a finger to fight back. This also renders whole Dragonborn DLC completely obsolete, and he's a warrior - he doesn't want to join Thieves guild, or worse, Dark Brotherhood.


I don't want to play a character who's only ambition is to build a house, hunt game and lead daily life.


What should I do?

Considered any quest mods? There are a few that are pretty good. Maybe one of these Horror mods...cant think of a name atm (sorry)


I take it you already have Hunterborn and so on?

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