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NIF Skeleton missbehavior


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Hello people!

I'm the author of a fairly simple fun mod:

And here's the thing: At the moment it's only half-compatible with Racial Body Morphs Mod ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81201/? ).

It seems the author has been quite inactive, so if someone else could help, I'd be very thankful!

I'm pretty amateur on skeletons, and for reason I couldn't understand, when I turn on this ESP, the MGEF I try to apply on the Player doesn't work on all of the races. (Doesn't work on Altmer, Dunmer, Khajit, Orcs and Redguards)

I made a test that made was definitive: I replaced the skeleton<race>.nif of a race that was working, for a skeleton of a race that wasn't working, and it fixed the problem. But, as expected, the race keeps the body morphs of the other one. All in all: There's some kind of attribute on the skeleton of the races I mentioned ( Altmer, Dunmer, Khajit, Orcs and Redguards ) that prevents them from ragdolling.

Is there some property that I could simply turn on at NifSkope/Other Editor and could make both mods fully work together?


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