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Raiders, Gunners etc. Only have very few vanilla guns


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For some reason Raiders and Gunners only have shitty pipe pistols and lead pipes, I dont know what I installed but all the weapon mods like the m14 and other level list guns is nowhere to be seen, I dont know why but this is starting to piss me off this happend right after I uninstalled Modern Firearms. Can someone help me? I would really hate to reinstall the whole game again.

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1. fallout 4 engine read lvl-list from mod that is last in ur load order as general., so if u'l move ur m14 mod as last - u'l find it in game

also another mods that higher in load order will work too, but through the conflict


2. u need to wait ~10 days in game, it will reset all level lists, so, refresh ur guns


3. make a merged patch, that will merge all ur weapon level lists in one, it will solve the problem



launch fo4edit, select all ur mods and load em
r-click on mods list - apply filter - uncheck all - check top-left window and 'conflicts' inside it, push filter and go drink some coffee )
after filtering u'l see red lines - all mods that have conflicts..
select all of them, r-click - other - create merged patch, press okay, name ur patch with some word
done, now u have personal patch that will disable all ur conflicts
all u need to enable it as last one in ur mods list (because Bethesdas engine read data from last mod as general)
good luck and smoothly gameplay ))
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