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Drug of youth


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A drug that makes your appearance get younger and all health, stamina, and strength increase while on it. But as with any drug the more you take the worse the withdrawals.

Make it so you can overdose. that actors in the game will drink or eat it and should they, they then want more and if they also do it more then a few times they suffer the ill effects.

Perhaps becoming older and weaker and even to the point of death depending on how old you were or how much you took.


Would be interesting to see the effects of this within the game, if done right the price of it would go up, it would become a crime if you got caught.


Not sure how to do it but felt it would be a good model as to how an addictive substance can effect all...


I know there is skoomma and other things in the game but I believe the thirst for youth and power would be interesting.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

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