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Creating a NEW house


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As I said in the topic description, I've been searching for several hours for peices of an exterior house so I could peice it together and form a new house, I was expecting some sort of grid with a wall build tool and place skyrim textures along with it, however the creation kit seems to lack in Creation, as I cant build my own house in skyrim, I would have to use a prefab one. I've worked hard at building the layout of a village only to find out I can only use a "shack kit" or a prefab house, I was wondering if there is some sort of 3rd party program or something I'm not aware of in the creation kit that will allow me to build new exterior houses. I have asked around the modding community and nobody seems to know how. I would appreciate any sort of advice in this situation, or any sort of response, thank you for your time.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Also remember that it's entirely possible to sink objects into one another. Take two houses, and put them together so the roofs merge and you have a house longer than normal. Don't want the second door? Drop in another house and turn it around. Now you've got two fronts.


Also play around with scale. Covering a door by taking a full size house, shrinking it an placing it over the door will hide it entirely and look like a custom room.


It's a Creation Kit, be creative.

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