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Living npc mannequins


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I don't know if this has been suggested yet or not, but it's just an idea I had.

Basically, it would be a mod that has a house with living NPC's, standing there, that act like mannequins.

True enough, it may only be suitable for evil characters, but it seems like a more efficient/fun way to look at armor and the like.


Also, a side-idea would be to be able to tell the mannequin/NPC to eat something or work out, increasing/lowering their weight respectively. (though that seems like a general mod for followers that could just be used here as well)


I thought of making this myself, but I've never modded, and it seems like something too difficult to start out with for me.

So, good idea?

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Idk if it is coming or not.. But i think Dovahkiin Hideout has added possessed mannequins without telling us cause mine move all the time and stop the second i enter so i cant tell if its a glitch or what but i think i might ask if hes fking with us..
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