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Imperial Postal Service


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So, I had a bright idea while looking at this mod: Crafting Recipe Books - Resource and Tutorial [http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9155] which is a way for modders to introduce crafting recipes without them just appearing in your lists, now you get to find the books and learn them that way.


MY idea was, a delivery system for notes and books and whatever into a mailbox type container or to have them delivered by the Imperial messenger that shows up with the Shout wall locations. With all the mods available, it's very easy to forget where some of this new stuff is, so a note saying "The chest with the Fiery Sword Of Vengeance mod is behind the Cathedral on the Mountain" or "Forsooth! Art thou Adventurer enough for the +2 Brassiere of Up-Pushing? Seek thee the Plains of Mystery as the last light of day shines on the Standing Stones!" or whatever.


The point is, the idea would be for a modder be able to deliver their mods in a more creative way than just plunking it into your inventory, even though technically it'd still be that easy. Heck, It might even be fun to create a new faction with quests, Deliver This to There, a special uniform, etc.

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