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Collision Help


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I am having trouble with collision data for architecture models in skyrim. everything "looks" good in Nifskope but for some reason I get CTD just as the LOD object is about to load .... I created the model and the collision data using Blender v2.49.


A few things Ive done to give you a better idea of what im working with:


1, my LOD nif is just a copy of my actual nif stripped to just the BSfadenode and the trishape data.

1a, I also tried to make the LOD nif an exact copy of the actual nif... that didnt fix it either.


2, I export with FO3 settings.... I dont know if that is the right way to go about this.


3, the actual architecture model is more or less a redo of a vanilla mesh, so when I go to compaire them the only difference is (besides the trishape stuff) the final section of the collision nodes.... where on the vanilla mesh is "bhkCompressMeshShape" on mine it is "bhkPackedNiTriStripsShape"


I am new to modding architecture and object collision data, so I dont know if I am doing this right...

So if anyone can give some advice,point me in the right direction, link a tutorial, or even make a quick one :) I would really appriciate it.

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