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Summon Konahrik - Some problems with the CK


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Hello there, first my apologizes if I make mistakes, english is not my native language :)


I'm creating a conjuration spell to summon Konahrik, the "Warlord". I use most of the default dragon priest data, but with some improvements for stats and spells.




The spell works entirely, but it needs some improvements for the NPC's model. Unfortunately I face some issues with two things :


- The mask : I want the summon to wear the Konahrik mask (named "ArmorDragonPriestMaskUltraHelmet"). But when I put it in the inventory, the dragon priest don't wear it whereas it works with the ebony mask for example. Even the wood mask, which is not supposed to be wear by anyone, works.






The two armor data are quite the same, so I don't understand why the dragon priest won't wear Konahrik mask :







Is it an issue with the model himself ? (the ultra mask is not the same basic model as the ebony mask ?)

How could I force the NPC to wear it ?


- Concerning the other issue, I don't know if the source is the spell or the NPC himself, but there is still an ash pile when the summon ends or has been killed. How to disable this ash pile ?


That's it, some help would be very appreciated :)

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