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How to Make a Compatibility Patch in the CK


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I have made a small mod that changes one aspect of one perk, let's call it Mod A. I want to use another mod, Mod B, which makes a lot of changes to a lot of perks. It even makes changes to the perk that I have manipulated in Mod A, just in a different way and I want to preserve how that part of the perk works as I have in Mod A.


Loading them both up causes a situation where one overrides the other based on who's lower in the load order.


So, if I wanted to make my Mod A compatible with Mod B, I would load up Skyrim.esm and Mod B in the CK as masters, and then write in the same changes that I'd made in my original Mod A as a new mod and save it.


That way, I have a new esp that is dependent on Mod B and changes what was relevant to the original Mod A, and must be loaded after.


Basically, just as Mod A changed one aspect in Skyrim.esm, as did Mod B, now the compatible Mod A version changes Mod B which in turn changes Skyrim.esm.



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@6TemplaR9 I believe you can't. In FO3/NV you had to use FO3Edit if you want to set an esp plugin as a masterfile because the GECK wasn't able to do so. I think CK acts the same, though I haven't tried.
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You're correct except for one detail: you wouldn't need to make a new esp. When you load up skyrim and mod B, just set mod B as the active file and the changes will be saved to mod B.

Right. I see your point.

The thing is, my thinking went along the lines that since Mod B is actually someone else's mod and I don't want to upload/change someone else's work if I decide to upload my mod A, I was thinking of uploading my original mod A plus variations that would be compatible with Mod B and be dependent on it so that downloaders would be able to use it (A) if they were already users of mod B.




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