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What mods do you guys use for ____


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Hey guys, just curious as to what mods you use for melee combat. I'm talking like dodging/sidestepping type stuff.

Seems TK Dodge was the go to but since skse wont be here till after Elder Scrolls 6 release, I was

wondering what you guys use as a replacement. I've tried a few dodge and roll mods but nothing

feels as clean as it used to.

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I installed "deadly combat" a few days ago. Seems to work really well. I was attacked by an assassin who didn't take kindly to by telling him

"I don't have time for this". I watched him make a dodge move that must have been from the mod.

Edited by gaultjohn
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I installed "deadly combat" a few days ago. Seems to work really well. I was attacked by an assassin who didn't take kindly to by telling him

"I don't have time for this". I watched him make a dodge move that must have been from the mod.

Must be for NPC's only, the mod doesn't list anything about a dodge mechanic.

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There's a mod called "skyrim speed and combat" Can't vouch for it but does say


"Adds movement speed so you can dodge and sprint much faster; this makes battles feel more tactile" There is also a recomendation to pair the mod with wildcat and another mod.

Perhaps this will get you closer to your goal.

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