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Martial Arts Mod?


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i read posts before with these major complaints in skyrim:


1.) nothing much you can do about unarmed combat

2.) smithing makes the game too easy in the later levels


i think this can be addressed by a "martial arts mod" ... i was just thinking that it will have the following:


1.) 2 new skill trees: Martial Arts and Combat Defense (i'll discuss them in more detail later)


2.) no benefits whatsoever from heavy armor (it will make the character really slow). light armor will make him move in below average speed. plain clothes is where the character will be fastest (you can go for the half-naked Bryan Fury look too - although you would want clothes to get benefits from Enchanting).


3.) instead of equipping weapons, the character will be equipping techniques. i haven't thought about it in detail, but some of the techniques might be based on Skyrim lore like "Khajit Fists" or maybe "Nord Kickboxing." some techniques will focus on speed, some on power, some on range (with flying kicks and all) and perhaps a final technique where the character can do projectile attacks ala Hadoken. the techniques are represented as books, and advance techniques can be learned from books sold by specific merchants after the character reaches the right level (same learning method as Magic in skyrim).




As for the trees ... the "Martial Arts" tree will focus on anything related to attack (like Destruction Magic) ... and will allow you more speed, damage, chances for critical strike, allows you to chain more moves in your power attacks, opens up kick options (which will branch out into kick-related stuff like knockback, hits 3 enemies when they are lined right, etc.). they are easier to be creative about... in higher levels you can actually stun lock a lot of opponents if your timing is great (you know, like what some guys do with Windshear).


the "Combat Defense" tree will focus on stuff like:


-Parry = works like Tekken's parry... if you time it right, you can slip an attack. adding more levels to this will give the enemy a longer recovery time

-Absorb Hits = converts HP damage into stamina (has to be cast)

-Power Block = blocking with bare hands will negate 25%-90% damage (has to be checked for balance issues)

-high jump = aside from giving you higher jump range, this will also minimize damage when you fall, as long as you are not wearing light or heavy armor.

-bob and weave = just like the light armor perk, except this one will give you higher chances of evading ALL KINDS of attacks (magic, melee, and ranged)


that's all i can think of for right now for the separate defense tree... i have never played a Mage in skyrim, so i do not know how the high level mages deal with defense, because truth is, the "combat defense" tree can be totally negated as long as Skyrim has a way to make Mage Armor character types viable.


if this is a good idea, i'd be really happy if someone took this up, because i am really terrible at programming and modding.

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