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Sky is way too bright, even at night it looks almost like it's daytime.


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Using Serenity ENB.


For pretty much any mod issues I've had, I've been able to find solutions in searches, so I've never requested mod help, but I'm at the end of my rope here. Originally I had the ENB installed and then also had Climates of Tamriel and a few addons to it, but saw that the ENB wasn't compatible so I took out any weather or lighting mods I had, yet the issue persists. I've tried adjusting the cloud and gradient intensity in the sky options for ENB but that's done nothing. It's only the sky, everything else in terms of lighting looks great. Drivers are up to date, and I edited the bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 in skyrimprefs.ini since that was mentioned somewhere. I've used the same ENB a while back (just recently reinstalled skyrim and remodded from scratch) and don't remember having any issues with it at all before.

Here's screens - http://imgur.com/a/zRrFm

As I mentioned, haven't asked on forums or anything before, so let me know what you need from me and how I can provide it. Thanks.

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