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Texture ''skipping'' issue


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So I'm having this really annoying issue, it's happenning inside a city, example - if I'm looking at the walls (or roads) there might be a some type of stoney texture on the wall, I turn a bit to the left or right and it skips to another kind of stoney texture . Does anybody else has this issue? It happens in every city (didn't notice this in other areas).

is there a solution ?


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The only thing I can recommend is going into options from the launcher and tweaking things in view distance. If the texture is just similar but not the same, it could be that you're just switching between the textures meant to be seen from far away and up close, in which case I would recommend turning off "Object Detail Fade" if it's already on. If that's not the problem, however, you're going to have to wait for somebody more experienced.
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