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Spells of Variable Duration (at run-time)


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Hello All,


I'd like to make a spell which lasts for a duration that can be determined by papyrus at run-time. This is the only part I need to complete what I am trying to do but have found no good answer in over a week.


At best so far I have just created a much longer spell and dispelled it after a set amount of time. Essentially this will be used to make spells that feel a little bit more natural by lasting different amounts of time. The player determines the length of the spell by hold long the hold down on the mouse button when they cast. Right now I have this semi working with a concentration spell which uses a scripted magic effect that records hold long the spell lasted (say n seconds). It then casts an hour long version of the same spell on the player at no cost and experience then dispells it n seconds later.

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Thanks for the reply! Yes it seems that what I'm asking is probably just impossible with the creation kit alone. But there must still be ways to spoof it by either just applying the magic effect in question to the actor, or even just applying the animation art / visual effect to the actor. The major draw back to my current solution is that the magic effect script continues to run for each instance of the spell, but Dispell is global in scope. For instance, I cast a 5 minutes candlelight via my method. Before it is over I cast a ten minute one. It correctly dispells the former, but that former spell's scripting will still dispell this new ten minute one when five minutes is up, and so on.
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