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Some of you may know, the book series Wheel Of Time, You may also know that Robert Jordan passed away. we feel it is our duty to pay tribute to him, by creating a wheel of time Oblivion mod, if you have any free time at all, and any experience in modding, texturing, scripting etc please i urge you to contact BIOXX at [email protected]. your experience and time will be invaluable to us, and we hope to create the ultimate conversion mod.
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Some of you may know, the book series Wheel Of Time, You may also know that Robert Jordan passed away. we feel it is our duty to pay tribute to him, by creating a wheel of time Oblivion mod, if you have any free time at all, and any experience in modding, texturing, scripting etc please i urge you to contact BIOXX at [email protected]. your experience and time will be invaluable to us, and we hope to create the ultimate conversion mod.

While I'm sure he might be thrilled that he has fans who are so interested in his works that they want to spend the months and months trying to convert something lose into game form, I don't think the lawyers of the people who own rights to that series would be as thrilled. I don't mean to offend, but if you wanted to do him a proper tribute, it probably shouldn't be in stealing parts of his work. Between you, the Harry Potter fans, the LOTR fans, and several other similar groups, I'm starting to wonder if anyone actually has any imagination of their own (south part references needed). It's like all some people can talk about is how they can incorporate something someone else has come up with (arguably) into something they're interested in. I'm not a writer, but I can't help but think that taking someone else's dream, and twisting it to your own purposes is a good idea of a tribute. Only George Lucas deserves such a treatment (entirely different thread).


Not suggesting that you abandon your modding ambitions, or your fandom, just suggesting that you use that thing between your ears to come up with something original. If you still want to do a proper tribute, you could always add some side references.


Anyone who says that imitation is the greatest form of flatery needs to read up on copyright laws.

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