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Collision Box and Boundaries of Objects


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What exactly is the collision box option in the CK and does that control how we collide with objects,

e.g.: running into walls, chests, fences, etc.

When you run into a chest you stop moving forward, so clearly the boundary conditions of the box are preventing your character from just walking through it. I want to know how this works, because I plan on scripting logic to make the game more dynamic. Instead of just running into a wall and sprint forward forever, you will stop yourself from running into the wall with your hands, and same applies with smaller objects. Understanding these collisions is essential for my mods.

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  • 3 months later...

i'm in the same situation as you


I don't really understand those collisions. I just added a new "object" (a type of wall) but I can't walk upon it ingame, as if the object itself was a collision... im trying to find out how to "disablE" this

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