Risuun Posted February 12, 2012 Share Posted February 12, 2012 Does anyone know where the dialogue and scripts are for spouse's stores? The dialogue starts with, "Has the store made any money?"With the spouse reply, "We have a cozy little profit. This is your share, love." I really want to get into those scripts and dialogues and see if I can add some more functionality. Thanks in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InZaneFlea Posted February 12, 2012 Share Posted February 12, 2012 I second this, I was also wondering and unable to find where this came in. I'm sure it's a quest that deals with 'Spouse', and uses a generic Alias that when you're married becomes your spouse. But I couldn't find it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Risuun Posted February 12, 2012 Author Share Posted February 12, 2012 Found it! The quest is: RelationshipMarriageFIN Here's how I found it: Opened up the creation kit and loaded Skyrim.esmAt the top, I hit 'Character' -> 'Export Dialogue...'This exports all the dialogue into a text file in the main skyrim directory.Then I just used Notepad++ to open that file and search (regular notepad isn't good with large files) for the dialogue text that I knew.After the search is complete, scroll to the left and look at the entry right next to the voice typeWrite down that quest name and find it in the Creation Kit! Lol! Now I just need to learn scripting! Because, unless I'm missing something, the only code is: "LoveInterest.GiveGold()" I'll keep digging to see how the game keeps track of how much gold to give (as I've noticed it increases as days pass without asking for money) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
InZaneFlea Posted February 12, 2012 Share Posted February 12, 2012 Ahahah! Export dialog, ingenious! I'll use that to find where stewards let you buy house upgrades! Is the amount of gold not an Alias to something else? If it was just giveGold() I think it'd only give one gold. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Risuun Posted February 12, 2012 Author Share Posted February 12, 2012 Ah, Aliases! Found LoveInterestFINScript! ScriptName LoveInterestFINScript extends ReferenceAlias LocationAlias Property CurrentMarriageHouse Auto Spell Property MarriageSleepAbility Auto Faction Property JobMerchantFaction Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto GlobalVariable Property MarriageGoldEarned Auto ;how much gold spouse earns each day Int GoldEarnedAmount = 100 Event OnSleepStop(bool abInterrupted) if (abInterrupted == False) && (CurrentMarriageHouse.GetLocation() == Game.GetPlayer().GetCurrentLocation()) ; Debug.Trace(self + "Player has slept in the same location as the spouse. Apply Bonus.") MarriageSleepAbility.Cast(Game.GetPlayer(), Game.GetPlayer()) Else ; Debug.Trace(self + "Player is married, but hasn't slept in the same location as the spouse, or was woken up by something.") EndIf endEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() ; debug.trace(self + "OnUpdate event to calculate spouse store gold") If Self.GetActorRef().IsInFaction(JobMerchantFaction) ; debug.trace(self + "Adding gold to spouse for store") MarriageGoldEarned.SetValue(MarriageGoldEarned.Value + GoldEarnedAmount) EndIf EndEvent Function GiveGold() ; debug.trace(self + "spouse gives gold") Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold001, MarriageGoldEarned.GetValueInt()) MarriageGoldEarned.SetValue(0) EndFunction Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Risuun Posted February 12, 2012 Author Share Posted February 12, 2012 My plan is to make a quick and dirty mod where I put items in a "store" container. Then, instead of having to manually sell stuff, I'll have my merchant of a wife take care of it for me! Of course, I want to set it up where I get a paycheck to give the money out over time so it's balanced. This won't net as much money as 100 barter with 29 enchanted gear, but it'll save my sanity and time! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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