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Turn any Hostile npcs into followers


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Is there a mod that allows you to turn any enemy npcs into a follower? I came across an argonian that wanted to yield and kept fleeing from me, of course I showed mercy. So I was thinking why if I could recruit her so she could redeem herself and live a new life as my follower?

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If I remember correctly, Extensible Follower Framework by Expired has a "force recruit" option somewhere in its MCM menu that works by placing the target NPC at the crosshair, opening the MCM menu, clicking the force recuit option and then waiting for a confirmation popup. Link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12933


Of course I have no idea if it has any side effects, force recruiting random NPCs, but at least the functionality is there. Hopefully that helps a bit. :thumbsup:


Edit: Oh wait. Hmm. Now that I think of it, I cannot remember if I ever tried the option on hostile NPCs. Maybe I did, maybe I did not. So I am not completely sure if it works on hostiles, but at least it works on non-hostile NPCs. Maybe someone else knows more. :ermm:

Edited by Contrathetix
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I don't know about EFF, but I know AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks) can. It has a power you can use to force a follower. They still give bad guy dialog, but the will follow and fight for you. I had a suicide squad of Thalmor like that, once. "Go kill that Deathlord..."

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