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Request: PS4 Controller Icons for PC


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Hey y'all. I think it'd be nice for the controller UI icons to be modded to show the Dualshock 4 controller icons rather than the XBOX One, for those of us who play exclusively with the PS4 controller on PC.


I can do it myself as I'm a graphic designer, but I need help locating the icons and how to replace them manually. I'd be willing to create the mod if I could get an idea of how to do it :)


Feel free to drop me a PM here or reply on this post.



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Nice to see someone else get on this bandwagon - I asked for something similar super early after release. Here's a tutorial video for MEA Explorer that could help:



In the first minute or so, there's a demo of a texture plugin that could help you find and insert the button icons. There seems to be a folder for UI textures, so that would be the best bet for finding the buttons.

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