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CTD in front of Whiterun/Giant combat


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Hey, i have an issue concerning my game keeping CTD in front of Whiterun when the compagnions are fighting the giant at the beginning of the game, it has also happen that my game CTD when loading after the alternate start mod and once near riverwood.


I have followed this guide http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76373/? which is well made and has already work for me before. I had maybe 2 saves which work perfectly fine using this guide.


But now i have this issue and i can't play. I have already try to repload my game and installing from scratch. I read somewhere that it was maybe due to script errors but i disable mod like immersive citizens/patrols/immersive wench etc but none can do.


I put my my enblocal in the attached files for you to see.

Sorry for the image on the post, i couldn't load them on the attached files.

I hope you can help fix my problem, thanks.



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