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Rivers and ponds/pools


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I thought I had replied to this, but it seems to have been lost...


Short of it: I found that I could get what I needed by creating a new worldspace. Every 'interior' I looked at with 'real' flowing water had it's own worldspace. As a matter of fact, these worldspaces have 'space available' if you like the lighting and climate settings. So if the OP really likes the Eldergleam Sanctuary (for example), they could go to that worldspace and use interior cell pieces to make their cell - just like the Eldergleam was. Just start in any wilderness cell in EldergleamSanctuaryWorld. As long as you don't get too close to the existing areas, I don't see why not.

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Oh man I'm not very good at this.


I need to make friends with a master modder who has time and patience that will help me learn how to do all of this crap because I'm a total noob.


If I was looking to make a deep, steep banked river, with a flow. The idea is one that you can't climb out of. I want it to be a barrier for the cave I'm building. To force people to only be able to cross on the one spot that I want them to.


No you need to keep doing what you are doing. you learn as you go just like those so called master modders. they didn't learn everything in a day and they still have much to learn. After a while someone may think you are a master when you help them out on a project.

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