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Annoying Graphics Glitch


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I must admit that i am quite desperate right now, this bug has been plaguing me for a very long time and i tried tons of different stuff, including building a complete new PC.


So on the PC i am using right now.


CPU: I7-6700k

GP: GTX 970

Ram 8gb

Game and steam is on a SSD (no idea if it matters but should not really)

OS: Windows 10


Mods: well i got a ton of mods, but this also happened from what i recall without mods. Not sure how to show you the mod list tbh.


so now let me try to explain the bug... well how should i say it? Some time textures get super buggy and get stretched into several directions and flicker arround. Seen it happen on almost everything. NPCs, Bushes, bridges, things super far away in the background.


The big issue i got is that the bug is not subtle or rare. And i havent been able to enjoy the game for ages.


You can check the bug in action in this video.




Regards, And thanks a lot in advance.


Halp XD


EDIT: I have searched for days to other reports and solutions for this particular bug, but so far I havent found anything.

Edited by TheBaronPT
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Well got some updates on this issue.


Just tried a new Fallout install, i dont even have my old steam cloud saves anymore.


-New installation

- No mods

- Default ini and prefs

- No steam cloud saves (guess i lost all my chars in the process aswell)


So i started a new char, and when i leave the vault and get to sanctuary I i see a glitch like in the above video. Thats like 20 minutes of gameplay and its all messed up.


I am really desperate right now :(

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I recall seeing this visual problem crop up in the forums back in late 2015 shortly after the game was initally released.

I'm not 100% certain, but I think the solution was to make sure your gpu drivers are up-to-date, likewise that your Fallout 4 is also updated to the latest version, and also to make sure that DirectX is properly installed. Hope this helps.

Edit: if that doesn't do the trick, then I'd suggest you trawl the Fallout 4 Technical Support forum.

Edited by AGreatWeight
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Thanks a a lot for the reply.


Drivers and all are up to date, even removed them and reinstalled. Several Formats. Yesterday i saw reports of this bug in other games on hardware forums.


so i decided to RMA the GPU. I think it might be a faulty Vram.


Anyway lets see what comes out of it.

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