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Having an issue with Dawnguard Vampirism


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I started doing the Dawnguard quest line today and got to the part where you go to the soul cairn. I decided to have Serana turn me into a vampire and went ahead with the quest. My eyes didn't turn to the normal glowing yellow vampire eyes, but rather one of the default non glowing yellow eyes. I figured this was from a mod I had downloaded that prevented glowing eyes or something. I got to the end where you fight the dragon and used the Vampire Lord power. killed the dragon, and reverted to human form. My character's eyes turned back to the blue eyes I picked when I initially made my character.


I still have the Vampire Lord power and all the benefits/drawbacks of being a vampire, but I returned to Fort Dawnguard and no one acted like I was a vampire. (Thought at this point I was supposed to receive a quest to get cured to continue with them) I tried setting my player race to imperialracevampire and it then turned my eyes to the glowing yellow eyes so I thought that fixed it, however when I used the Vampire Lord power again and reverted to human form, my eyes again turned back to blue. So the game thinks I am a vampire but the NPCs don't.


If anyone has any info on how to fix this, please let me know. I can't really continue from here.


Edit: I replayed the last part of the Soul Cairn, this time without using the Vampire Lord power so my eyes are still yellow. I went to the Dawnguard and things turned out proper, I got the quest to get cured. So there is an issue where using Vampire Lord turns you back into a human, or at least appear as one.

Edited by DGRJ4Life
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