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Weapon Proc Scripting Problems


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Hello. This is my first time posting on the forum, as well as my first time making a real mod for an Elder Scrolls game, so please excuse any noobiness I may show. I am working on a mod for Skyrim that will add 6 new end-game dungeons into the game world that are tiered in difficulty. I have not yet gotten to work completely on dungeon level design, but am working to hone my scripting skills before doing so. Currently, I am experiencing problems coding a weapon proc script. The idea is to have a weapon dropped by one of the bosses to grant the player an increased attack speed for 5 seconds on a critical strike. This effect is similar to the one-handed weapon perk dual flurry. The only difference is that it lasts for a short duration. The way I am trying to do this is through the weapon's critical effect. I was sure to uncheck the box labeled On Death next to the menu. I have created a magic effect script for the weapon's critical effect that applies a 1 second long spell to the stricken enemy. Once the effect finishes, the enemy is then supposed to apply a weapon speed increase spell on the player for 5 seconds. However, something is very wrong with my script, and the weapon speed increase is not applied at all. Here is the spell effect script I have made:


Scriptname aaaBrutalusProcScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

SPELL Property aaaBrutalusProcProp Auto

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
 akTarget.DoCombatSpellApply(aaaBrutalusProc, akCaster)


I hope that someone on these forums can assist me with this dilemma. I have used the creation kit wiki extensively throughout this entire process, and have been unable to produce a successful solution. Thank you for any help you can provide.


Code Notes:

aaaBrutalus is the ID (not the name) of the boss NPC.

"Warmaster Brutalus Wrathsmite" is the name of the boss NPC.

aaaBrutalusProcScript is the name of the spell effect's script that applied when critically striking an opponent.

aaaBrutalusProcProp is the name of the spell property in the script.

aaaBrutalusProc is the ID (not the name) of the spell that is supposed to be applied to the player, increasing their attack speed for 5 seconds. There are absolutely no issues with this part of the effect. I have debugged this effect using other methods and it is successful.

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