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Heh, I didn't know how to name this topic. But it's simple WHY. So the question is related to the topic of nudity. And in sort of continuation of my topic from few month's ago. I was asking why are there so many female mods (followers, clothes, accessories...) and so few male mods. But now I'm asking, why are all female followers (mods), made that can be totaly naked if all clothes removed, and only let's say 40% of male follower mods made to be totaly nude. Those remaning 60% are made with underwear (if not present in body slide, than added by mod author's) and it can't be removed. Wouldn't it be easier for mod author's to allow users to use any body slide they like? Many people are asking authors of this non nude mod's if they can make let's say most popular (in my opinion) SOS, but authors in most cases disagree. In my case I'm using SAM and most of SOS made followers are working quite good with SAM. But most all followers are mede with Better males (with underwear). SO WHY WON'T PEOPLE ALLOW MALE NUDITY IN GAME, BUT ONLY FEMALE?


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Heh, I didn't know how to name this topic. But it's simple WHY. So the question is related to the topic of nudity. And in sort of continuation of my topic from few month's ago. I was asking why are there so many female mods (followers, clothes, accessories...) and so few male mods. But now I'm asking, why are all female followers (mods), made that can be totaly naked if all clothes removed, and only let's say 40% of male follower mods made to be totaly nude. Those remaning 60% are made with underwear (if not present in body slide, than added by mod author's) and it can't be removed. Wouldn't it be easier for mod author's to allow users to use any body slide they like? Many people are asking authors of this non nude mod's if they can make let's say most popular (in my opinion) SOS, but authors in most cases disagree. In my case I'm using SAM and most of SOS made followers are working quite good with SAM. But most all followers are mede with Better males (with underwear). SO WHY WON'T PEOPLE ALLOW MALE NUDITY IN GAME, BUT ONLY FEMALE?



I'm pretty sure you can change that if you add other mods yourself. As for why there's more demand for female nudity than male nudity, what do you imagine the sex ratio is for the people who play Skyrim? I'm going to guess something on the order of 90% male, to be honest.

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I don't want to look at a naked guy... but I'd don't mind naked women, if they're not all wrinkly and nasty, I rather enjoy naked women.


I'm guessing most of the Skyrim audience base is hetero-male.


There is also basic biological and psychological gender differences which lead to the available mod differences.


Males are very visually oriented when it comes to factors of attraction. If she had a healthy head of hair, then her body can produce enough extra proteins to made a baby. Breasts... well, gotta feed the child. Clear skin, no disease. Males seek a mate by mostly visual queues.


Women seek other things in a mate. Is he loyal? Will he be patient with a screaming child? How well does he hunt and provide? Can he defend the home? These are not questions you can answer by just looking at the outside of the male in question. You have to talk to them, observe them, talk to those they've been around for a long time. Women seek mates through social interaction, status symbols and reputation, not visual queues.


In those mods which feature Males who cannot be stripped below underwear, I'll bet that many had status symbol armor and weapons? I'll bet that the fighting prowess of the companion was described. I'll bet they had extensive dialog interaction options.


I've a wife of 35 years, two grown daughters, and three grand-daughters... I've been watching women for some time.


Most women don't care much about the nudity, they care about other indicators of being a good mate and companion.


Men can be rather superficial.



Edited by VanKrill
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To answer your question on a technical level it is actually much harder to make a mod that supports all the common body swap mod types. The main reason being that you have to create custom body textures for each body mod, and most use textures that don't even remotely resemble the textures of other mods for the said gender. Honestly I'm surprised that so many female costume/skin modders are willing to take the time to add multiple body mod support (especially those making khajiit/argonian race body textures), but then again the wardrobe options in the Skyrim modding community reflect the wardrobe options in real life. After making an overhaul version of Skyrim that replaces all the vanilla clothing/armor with designs made by the modding community I've concluded there are actually even more modest female costumes mod options than there are male costume mod options period.


That being said its actually not too hard to convert clothing to another body type use Body Slide's outfit studio once you have learned the methods. In my overhaul I learned to convert a number of female costumes that didn't support the format I use (CBBE HDT) as well as manually fixing a number of male costumes that didn't match up to the equipment slots of the vanilla costumes I was trying to replace (the male Tera Armor mod was terrible about that and required most of the body equipment to be given forearms/calves).

Edited by MrEsturk
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