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"Bejeweled' End-Game Quest Line - Seeking Modder


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"Bejeweled" is designed to be an end-game, main quest line. Although the quest may be begun at earlier stages, it will eventually require ALL other main quest lines be completed in order to complete it. The idea is to give the quest-loving player 'something to do' after the main quests are done.


Bejeweled is the story of a legendary crafter of enchanted items, especially known for his jewelry. The story will reveal that he crafted the Gauldur Amulet along with many other items legendary for their properties. His works were so sought after that the well-known and sometimes believed to be mythical factions (Blades, Dark Brotherhood, Nightingales, etc.) all had items crafted by his hand. The quest line will lead our adventurer in search of these items, culminating in a final search for 'The Living Amulet." (If it is possible to create.)


This project will include creation of new locations including an npc home at Shor's Stone, extensive scripting, character creation, creation and placement of many items, and possibly new voice acting (with female voices performed by me.) Most of the story creation is complete and dialog has been written, but it is a WIP. Some of the already created books are pasted below, to give you a better idea of the quest line.


I am seeking an experienced modder to assist me with this project. Creativity is a plus. Must speak English. I prefer Ventrillo for communication. I have no experience with mods or scripting and all work done so far is with knowledge learned from the basic tutorials for the creation kit. I need help!

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Two of the books that are already created, to provide more information on the story line (sorry for the wall of text):




Bejeweled - The Story of the Living Amulet


This is the legend as told to me by my mentor, Altimor Tibenti, the master jeweler and scholar of rare gems. The legend was passed to him by his father and his father before him and so on, as far back as the family can recall.


Angas Tibenti was the son of a blacksmith. He learned the art of working ores, forging steel and iron at a young age. He was a curious lad and had a habit of sneaking stones into the smelter just to study the effects, always hoping he could extract some shiny bits or discover a new, stronger metal.


He found a small collection of stones with various flecks of brightly colored, glimmering spots in a stream on the outskirts of his village and was excitedly gathering them into a small pouch when he heard the screams.


He could see the thick black smoke rising over the hilltop as he ran toward home. He froze in horror at the sight that awaited him from the top of the hill. A great dragon was perched on the top of the shrine, screaming fire towards what was left of the building below. He was at once terrified and fascinated by the bright white of its scales flashing in the light of the flames.


The great thrust of the dragon's wings as it flew up and away caused a burst of wind that cleared the smoke below. Angas' eyes scanned his once peaceful village and he realized there was nothing left - only ashes and burning embers.


He was found by an old high elf, gifted in the ways of magic and enchantments. The elf took pity on the boy and raised him as his own child.


Angas was special. Educated in both smithing and magical arts, he also had an innate fascination with gems and jewels. Items crafted by his hands had effects more powerful than enchantments, and more of them. These items came to be known as the "Arcane Jewels" and Angas was the "Arcane Smith."


Emperors and nobles coveted his creations for their beauty and their properties. Warriors who were blessed enough to obtain an item crafted by his hands became stronger, tougher, their blades seemed to slice deeper and their aim was always true. Wizards spells became more powerful. Those who were lucky enough to don one of his items were said to be "Bejeweled."


Angas had come to realize that each person has a different weakness. It was these weaknesses that were the cause of every lost battle, every lost life.


He dreamed of creating an amulet that would boost the wearer in the areas of these particular weaknesses. If the wearer lacked in stamina for long battles, the amulet would gift stamina. If the wearer needed health, the amulet would boost health.


Early attempts were said to have three magical properties imbued. It is rumored that one of these early creations was worn by King Harald's arch-mage, Gauldur. Those who possessed these rarities did not want it to be known, for Arcane Jewels were the frequent targets of thieves. It is not known exactly how many existed or to whom they were given or sold.


Angas' believed he could craft an amulet that would hold six magical properties, six boosts to the wearer. These properties would be chosen by the wearer's weaknesses. This ultimate creation was to be called "The Living Amulet."


Some say he actually created it and hid it away, because he could find no wearer worthy of its power. My mentor, his ancestor, tells of family stories that the amulet exists and is waiting for the destined wearer. They say it is protected by elaborate traps, puzzles and tests of character, buried under the mountainous peaks of Skyrim.


Zaydairee's Journal



I feel it best if I compile my notes in a single place. Constantly referring to ancient and damaged sources is fraying my nerves and wasting my time.


My copy of Bejeweled is still my greatest reference and I have come to realize how rare it is. I have searched for others in the hopes that more information is provided regarding the location of the Living Amulet, but to no avail. Other sources that mentioned the amulet speak of it having nine magical properties, rather than the six in Bejeweled. All sources say the amulet is 'buried' and protected by magical traps. The most trusted speak of a 'test of character' that must be passed before the amulet can be worn.


I have found the names of many of the Arcane Jewels. Those created later in the career of the Arcane Jeweler were imbued with more magical properties than his earlier creations. My study has indicated that the rarest of the Jewels were associated with factions and entities that would later become known as 'myths.' Perhaps it was the enhancement they received from the Arcane Jewels that gave them their mythical abilities?


I will list them here to assist me in locating them:


Bejeweled Ring of Thievery (a ring with stealth, lockpicking and pickpocketing properties; Referenced along with the Nightingales in several volumes)


Bejeweled Circlet of Wizardry (a mage's circlet with 3-4 magical properties; Referenced along with the mentions of the Siijic order)


Bejeweled Dragon's Nemesis (a sword with magical properties effective against dragons; Referenced along with mentions of The Blades, Dragon's Bane and the Dragonborn)


Bejeweled Crown of Negotiation (a crown with persuasion, speech and pricing properties; Mentioned only once as being requested by an anonymous Jarl)


Gauldur's Amulet (believed to be broken)


Bejeweled Shield of Evil (a Daedric shield with blocking and defensive properties)


Bejeweled Warrior's Pride (a ring or amulet with attack, archery and stamina properties)


Assassin's Amulet? (one source mentions an amulet of assassination; It is unclear if this was a creation of Sithis or another of the Arcane Jewels. It is, however, associated with the Dark Brotherhood and I have no desire to become involved with them.)

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