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Require hopefully simple scripting help for mod


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Alright, so I created the Magelight Grotto mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8680) and anyone who has downloaded it has noticed it has every single crafting table just... there, in what's supposed to be a natural cave. The reason it is this way is because the idea was that you'd find a crafting manual with a list of materials required and you'd turn them in at a crate and each crafting table would become available as you turned in the mats (as if you were crafting the tables themselves). This would allow you to have all tables or only the ones you wished to have, or just have an empty room to do whatever and not have to craft them in any specific order either.


So to break it down for the sake of organized information and ease of reading, I need to learn (or just copy+paste if anyone just types out what i need lol):


1. How to make a quest (I have a quest created, called Living Off the Land and it's linked to the book, but that's as far as I've gotten. The quest doesn't actually do anything nor is it linked to anything else. The stages are empty, it has no objectives. Messed around for over an hour with 0 progress after that)

2. Linking objects to objectives (example: each table requires a series of mats. A tanning rack requires 4 firewood, 1 iron ingot, and 1 leather since it's a simple object)

3. How to make each quest objective not be a prerequisite of the next. Example: You can make a tanning rack and a cooking spit and not create any other crafting table (even if the quest remains uncompleted in your log forever, doesn't matter)


The quest would look like so in your log:


(You read the book and the quest starts automatically)


Living off the Land

-Build a Workbench (Iron Ingot 0/3, Firewood 0/3)

-Build a Tanning Rack (Firewood 0/4, Iron Ingot 0/1, Leather 0/1)

-Build a Cooking Spit (Mats 0/X, Mats 0/X)

-Build a Smelter (etc, etc, etc)

-Build an Alchemy Table

-Build an Enchanting Table

-Build a Grindstone

-Build a Forge


Quest disappears (completed) after all 8 crafting stations are made.


All I know I have to do is make it so that the tables are placed and "initially disabled" is checked.


Credit will be noted in the description for my mod and the readme once updated since I'm a scripting failure and it wouldn't be right to not mention anyone who helps me.

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