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Request: Proper Dual Wielding


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This is something that I've been beating my head off the wall since Skyrim was released because I simply cannot understand how a game of this size and budget screwed this up. Dual wielding isnt new or hard to do for a company like Bethesda. Regardless, the game only shows the main hand when holstered. The off hand is then pull out of thin air to pop in hand. I just want my 2 swords to show up as they should on my character. It looks like its a bug because there are screen shots of a dagger/sword showing up but its a rare occasion. So if someone with the knowledge and know how to do this please fix it. It doesnt look like Bethesda cares.
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Yeah, been complaining about this one for awhile. Cant see why they didnt address this. Incidentally, I accidently got 2 weapons to show up when holstered while used the 1HD Weapons On Back mod:




Happened while messing around in the inventory changing weapons, although they both appeared on the back. I hope this guy does a mod for this - only a matter of time before someone does. Like I said in that mod thread it would be great to have variations they showed both weapons on the hip, both on the back or one on the back and one on the hip. Even better would be to have proper animations for drawing weapons from each position ;)

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I can't see why Bethesda didn't do this, then again I don't know much about how to mod or where to even start. But it's be amazing if someone could do this, I know I'd be walking around happy being able to see both weapons.


I was looking on the official forums and someone said they talked to a dev and the dev said that it was on the list but they didnt have time so they just left it be. Id like for Bethesda to fix this, but honestly Im not holding my breath. This is something someone can do in the modding community though (thank God for pc version).

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