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Anyone else feel a little shafted at the ultimate edition release?


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I didn't discover bethesda and it's wonderful games until Elder Scrolls Oblivion Game of the Year edition was 20 dollars o_O So while those who knew of it before me payed 60 for the game, and then another 20 (think that was the starting price) for each expansion. Spending a total of 120 dollars on a game I payed 20 for. What they payed more for was the convenience of time. didn't go from 120 to 20 overnight. took more then a year as you say. are you willing to wait? If so, wait and pay less. personally in that year time I could of earned much more then the 100 I saved. Edited by leot486
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My first encounter with Fallout, was when it came bundled in a retail box of Baldur's Gate. I fell in love with the game. I am happy that the Fallout franchise was revived and firmly believe in supporting the developers with my money.
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Yes! :D My experience was similar, I was like "Hmm, made by black isle (or wizards w/e) hey? Before Baldurs Gate hmm?" Then BAM me and fallout eloped and games were never the same again :P


I think my friend showed me Tactics back in the day too.


But that is another point in itself, I don't think I would've even noticed tactics if my friend hadn't shown me, but i paid probably $15 at most because the game was "so old" when I discovered it. I'll tell you now, I would've paid $100 for Fallout Tactics after seeing my mate play it. It's "oldness" wouldn't have even made me look twice, I loved the look of it that much.


So games, like art, are only as beautiful as the subject sees them, for example if a new shining force came out, with sega graphics but on the PC, I would pay to play it, whereas someone who had never heard of the franchise would probably laugh at its graphics and move on to assassins creed 6.


It's a fine line between art and entertainment sometimes. But if you consider that art is defined by its ability to show society a reflection of itself, then I think games like fallout start to fall into the art category.


And art certainly doesn't get cheaper over time. :D

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I picked up everything in a Steam sale at the end of the year for like $15, and according to Steam, it is the Ultimate Edition, because I have all the parts. Ultimate Edition was announced the week after I bought it, I believe. I'm not an early adopter as much as I want to be. I put 45 hours into NV, just accidentally finished the main quest last night, but I still can't justify the $60 price of a new release even though I know I'm going to spend at least 100 hours in this.
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but theres a time u have to put ur foot down when there making WAY to much cash at a years pop. and the have DLC i see it DLC is a way the makers found a GREEDY WAY to give u a half rate game then force u to pay more to get everything that should of came with it.. i played games where they even said theres DLC right after the game lunch and if u want the full feeling of the game buy the DLC to me thats 100% greedy and should never b supported and while saying that i talkeed to a few ppl where they hacked there disk and found hidden content already loaded in the disk but u had to pay more for it or preorder it... I will never soport this.. (risen y i will never so-port this kind of sells... to me this is illagle and way to greedy.. i under DLC but its free to keep there game live since even FO3 was still lacking so so many areas.. i felt robbed asking more questions then answers the game gave.. and even in NV the vaultes are WAY TO LACKING in what u b able to find in them and explore... i relise 200 years past BUTi would think they will would have more VIDEO recordings of what happened to give u far more fell then reading very little info on the computers. when u do relise they had to have the hole vault being recorded for safty and and a black BOX type to thing saying what was going on...


in NV i found i to glitchy (still is) to many blink walls.. (theres where u go but u cant see them even going up a hill (U CAN IRL) but in this game u cant in the playable areas, or lift ur self up areas... and builds where lacking u cant see out of the windows the area seems way to dead then it really is.. o_O best area i fill is NV its self...


i can go on about the pricing and the DLC but i stoped my self can i can go on inf about it.. xD but i dont feel like it and irl im sick i cant breath...

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The only shaft is the one that you are imagining. NV is old now. The DLC is old now. It's a fact that a game, at launch, is much more expensive then it will be at half a year or more later.


You can't say that you got shafted either way. You chose to buy the game at those prices. You wanted the game that you thought the prices to be fair. If you didn't want to pay as much, then you should have waited for a sale on it, or as a couple of people have said before, with this company you can expect a rerelease at a later date with all the DLC.


But you know what the price really was? Bragging rights essentially. You paid a premium just so you can brag at other people about playing this game before them.


The one thing you have to ask yourself though. Was the premium worth it?

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File this in the "for what its worth" column; the first CD player cost over $1500 when released. The first electronic calculators were over $1000. Now you can get that stuff for free when you open a bank account...
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