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2 mods that I would like to see


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Hunger, Thirst and Sleep Deprivation.


- Add in a hunger, thirst and sleep/tired bar.


- When hunger bar depletes you will start to loose health and same with thirst.


- When sleep/tired bar depleted you will get disoriented and pass out, then wake up. Will count as a save.


-In order to keep your hunger bar and thirst bar you will need to eat 3 meals a day. Meals can consist of 1 large piece, like a cooked vension, and 2 small pieces, like a carrot and an apple.


-To stay hydrated 5 cups of water. Drinking water will have to be added and maybe add juices.


- Could also be applied to NPCs.



You and NPCs can set up camps.


-Material list: 4 pieces of wood, a torch, and leather.


Also be able to start your own Merc company.


-You can recruit your friends like sven from riverwood.


-Add people that are looking for work or adventure to add to your company list or hire as the black smith,


- Ranks like initiate, member, officer, then you.






I believe theses will make more use of some features also add some more RP. I think this can balance between hardcore and vanilla.

Edited by Jah92pizza
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If your wondering why I don't get the Realism mod, its because I think its too much. So something like this would be great for people who want to play a balance in between hard core and vanilla.


I would need an experienced modder to work on it with me as I just started too, but if you think you can do it then by all means do it.

Edited by Jah92pizza
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