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heh i need help in how touse the thing i exreact it to its own folder(within the folder where I keep all my Oblivion mods) and I i launch it and "Open" a save but the catagories wont take effect nothing will happen what do i do? what am i missing?
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Umm two things: 1 your english grammer is bad (ваш английский язык плох .. Ihr Englisch ist schlecht .. votre anglais est mauvais .. din engelsk er dårlig)


2 you need to go into the launcher then data and check the mods name then try (Вы должны войти в пусковую установку тогда данные и проверить, что название модников тогда пробует .. Sie müssen in die Trägerrakete dann Daten gehen und prüft den mods Namen dann Versuch .. vous avez besoin d'entrer dans le lanceur les alors données et vérifie le nom de mods essaie alors .. du må dra inn i avsenderslusen da data og sjekker modifisere ? ? ? kaller da forsøk)



I tryed to translate to other launguages incase you dont speak english and were trying.

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ok i've got that fixed now I encounter a bug where only potions show up in the editer and apperently it's a quite common bug

What do you hope to achieve by using a savegame editor really? I could maybe understand the purpose if you were playing on xbox, or were using an un-modded game, but in a modded game, on a computer there really isn't much point to it. Almost everything you could want to do would be achievable through either console or the addition of a mod. And then there are things that only mods can do (obviously). As for making it work with a modded Oblivion, even if it was just looking at data pertaining to the vanilla game, the presence of mods can cause errors where that data has been altered by said mod.

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it's just a fun tool that i'd like to be able to play with

And as I had suggested, such a tool would likely do more harm than good with a modded game. The only thing that such a tool could do that wyrebash or normal modding could not would be changes to some internal variables which are related to quests or NPCs, which needless to say, can cause significant problems if you don't know enough about how things are related. Just like how you can seriously screw up the game by playing with quest stages/variables from console.

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