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CTD: Entering Caesar's Tent


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I am having a difficult problem that is currently killing my ability to play the game.


I am at the point where Benny has escaped to Fortification Hill and I need to confront Caesar so I can move forward with the main quest (currently pursuing Yes Man questline, I am vilified by caesar's legion and decided to attack the Fort with Boone in tow to get enough points to further his personal quest line).


The problem I am having is that I can attack Cottonwood Cove no problem, take the ferry to the Fort and oblierate every single thing in the fort. I get to the tent and click to enter... then the game crashes.


Ok... thinking that maybe a mod is conflicting with some scripted event (I have read articles talking about the companion bug with the tent guard) I revert back to a previous save before attacking Cottonwood Cove, send Boone back to Novac and uninstall the ultimate companion mod I have installed. I then take the Cove and Fort single handed, get to the tent and click to enter... I still get the crash to desktop.


For shits and giggles, I use the console to teleport myself to where Caesar is... kill him and all his guards (which is a bit difficult considering where the game drops the player when using the console). When everyone is dead and I talk to Benny and recover the platinum chip, whenever I attempt to save the game (quick save, through the main menu or with the save command in the console) the game again crashes to desktop. It also crashes whenever I attempt to leave the tent.


I have tried to do everything I can, but it appears Caesar's tent, or Caesar himself is bugged and the game cannot continue. I imagine I could use the console to move the quest forward, but I don't know how since this event is tied with several other quests (house quest lines, NCR... so on and so forth.)


I am running several mods (I can list them if required) and I have never had any problems with FNV. The game hardly crashes and I have never had any signifcant issues... but due to this bug, the main quest is grinded to a halt.


Does anyone know what might cause this? I ran out of ideas and would hate to just give up on this save and start again.





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  • 4 months later...
seems pointless as I can't help, but you're not alone. Though this only happened for me when I took out a few Items i wanted then clicked myself and typed 'removeallitems; which wouldve included the mark of Caesar etc. so my only suggestion would be start a new game and try again
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