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Becoming a Vampire


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When playing Skyrim I found that being a Werewolf was awesome; then adding some mods to tweak that made it more awesome. After a while though I wanted to find out how being a vampire was and I was disappointed. Not only did it take me about half of the day (Real time here, not Skyrim time.) of raiding vampire hideouts to just get infected with vampirism it turned out that it wasn't what it was cracked up to be gameplay-wise. The mod Vampire Upgrade really helped in that regard but I still feel that something was missing. I remembered in Oblivion that you choose to be turned via The Dark Brotherhood questline and I think something like that would be pretty appreciated in Skyrim.


Not so much as going up to some guy and just getting it then and there but more like part of a story. Say, a reluctant vampire who's looking for a cure and after everything is said and done offers it to you. Or maybe a cozy inn with a beguiling innkeeper that's not who he seems. ( I have to say that I like the later a lot. If someone did that juuuust right...). I suppose the best I can compare it to would be like the Companions to the Werewolves, if anyone can get what I'm saying.


What does everyone else think? Any takers? :thumbsup:

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