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Crashing with Alt start when using the bed


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I come back to modding skyrim after an extensive break and of course all my mods are outdated and I'm following the STEP guide...besides ALT start.. need a way to test play without playing through Helgen and making a save after..STEP wants you to test play between rounds of mods and following the guide it doesn't say how, everyone knows INTRO+MODS=BAD... and I like ALT starts different options.


I don't have any body mods yet, the only skeleton I have is exmse, I've ran FNIS. As soon as I activate the bed, CTD. It worked on my last stable(ish) set-up. "Crash fixes" is still to be added....but STEP... Here's my LO, plugins, ect



EDIT: Disabled all mods on this MO profile, loading only official DLC's, crashing on new game...so it's not ALT start.


I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say it's because I don't have Update & DLC esm's in my /data.....I followed the video guide on STEP and not the text instruction, both vary from each other.

Edited by headfullofdread
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