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Dismissed followers won't stay away.


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Dismissed both followers after realizing they were taking my experience. I can be deep in a dungeon and suddenly hear one say"Don't set things on fire". Turn around and both are there.

I have the AFT mod and they are set to unkillable. Thinking about changing that. Any simple solution?

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I also had trouble with AFT in the past. Both UFO and AFT are simply not as advanced as EFF (As I read in a thread made by a programmer) So I use EFF.

There is a fix button in EFF. Be careful though, changing these kinds of mods mid game could break your game.

Try reset follower count "Set followercount to 0"

Use the disable / enable console command. Wait 31 days.


If it doesnt work the only true never fail method sofar has been to use the recycleactor command. However this will also break their quest status, so don't do this with Serana in the Dawnguard quest for instance. It will break... If they are ordinary followers, you'll be fine.

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Been using AFT since forever never had any issues at all ...what does cause issue with AFT is mod conflict not the mod itself the mod is stable and works as intended. Some followers have there own follower dialog and frame work and should not be changed via AFT including some vanilla followers like Serana. Read known conflicts to AFT I think it will help...:)

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