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Sound stutter, follower armour loses texture followed shortly by CTD


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Hi, I am currently experiencing a few issues with my game.


Firstly, sometimes whist riding a horse, any of its sounds go mute and then they come back after a long delay, shortly there is a CTD.


I have the same sound problems while harvesting something as well.


Now related to gfx, sometimes my follower appears to have no texture in their armour, leading of course to a CTD shortly after.


Some other times, the loading screens are infinite.


I have reinstalled the game, verified game cache, reinstalled mods, etc.


It's a new clean save.


Regular Skyrim from Steam with all the DLCs (Not Special Edition)


Rig specs:

Win 10

i7 3770k @ Stock

16GB RAM @ 1600MHz

Asus Maximus V Extreme

Geforce GTX 970 @ Stock


Added the mod loader as thumbnail, check it out.


Thanks in advance.


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