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Key Listening


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I want to know how i can make new "buttons" which will essentially have new abilities bound to them.

i want to make a few mods, such as the ability to dodge directionally, that would activate with it's own bound key


alternatively, if we cant bind new keys i want to bind it to work when you tap the sprint key and a direction. This would be similar to how shouts can be held to strengthen effect.


For this second option, is there anything in papyrus that could help me with these mod ideas?

Edited by skyler14
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I'm interested in this topic in too. From my experiments it seems like a lot, if not most, of the game settings are hardcoded and remain @ default no matter what the editor says, and won't respond to modding, not from within the CK anyways.

I would like to rewrite the physics of the world really, introducing momentum and ''real' gravity so that when one runs and jump and releases all controls one does not instantly stop midair. or if jumping to high and get stuck hanging in the sky until WSAD keys are pressed.

Perhaps not even being able to scale near vertical walls by rocking back and forth on the strafe keys. OR going into ORBIT when a giant takes a swing at me. not cool, bethesda... hilarious - yes.. but not cool.. *mutter, mutter* I will always have my unity project...


I speculate this is far beyond how much they'll allow the community to alter this game for them though. Remember much of what's been modded isn't really thanks to the CK they realease, for example: Somewhere on bethesda there really should have been at least one crafty anarchist that would have leaked their nif-plugin to a public mirror, one might expect - but no, there was none.

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