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CTD on launch with my mods...


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Hello everyone !

I recently reinstalled Skyrim after my files been corrupted and I began reinstalled my mods. All of them work correctly except two :

I want to play a Dagi-Rath player with Dagi-Rath Race Reborn and it need Race Compatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard to work. I reinstalled those mods exactly like on my previous Skyrim with the Nexus Mod Manager but they don't work and cause a crash to my desktop when I launch the game.

Of course I tried those mods without my other mods in order to verify if then been incompatibles with them but my launcher crash again. Then I tried remove them on my folders, redownload and reinstall it with different parameters but my launcher crash everytime. Those mods seems to trying to keep me away from my favorite game ! I don't understand the reason why them don't work, can you help me please ?

Thanks a lot for your response !

PS : I'm sorry if my english is bad, I'm french ;3

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