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Cannot Use Weapons/attack And Interact In Inventory


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Hi Everyone, it's my first time here so i don't really know what I'm doing but I'll try getting help here.


The tittle says quite a lot, but for being precise : I cannot attack in any way, and i cannot equip or unequip anything from my inventory, even magic (shouts seems to work), and cannot put or take stuff in my follower's inventory or in a chest.


Besides my poor computer, the game runs quite well, like 50-25 fps in general, really nothing special here.

So this bug started after installing Animations mods : Lifelike Idle Animations Pretty Jump Animation and finally (And i assume the one that can cause this bug) Pretty Combat Animations. I installed them in a row, by that i mean that used NMM to download the mods, installed them one by one, then running FNIS, and after all this i launched up Skyrim, and discovered this bug, so i tried doing stuff i thought could fix this but it didn't; I disabled Pretty Combat animations (Disabled, but still installed), ran FNIS, went in game, and still this bug. I uninstalled it via NMM, repeated this process of running FNIS etc but nothing does, so i removed all 3 mods i had installed previously, but still, so i'm at the point where i have no more ideas other than ask for help since my google searches for this were not able to help me. And since i am really not into mod making, i am just a player and user, i just want to be able to play again.


I added the "loadorder.txt" file and the "plugin.txt" file, if anything else is needed, just tell me, i hope i can play again D: (Since i stated a new game recently due to my last save being corrupt)


PS : I Hope i did well in my "Asking For Help" and sorry if the english isn't that good, i'm french ^^


Thanks in advance for the people who will take the time to read this, i already appreciate you :3 and even more thanks for those who will try to make a guy happy again :D


EDIT : Problem solved, i completely restarted from scratch, getting anew Skyrim Setup, but thanks to those who read this anyway.

Edited by Hubani
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