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Setting up a new settlement?!


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I haven't even got into the deep end of modding yet. But, I know enough to know that it takes patience and time to get one set up. Fortunately, two attributes I am not the best at. I have seen several places that would be good for a settlement.


Here is my proposition. I would go in and clean up the trash of an area, maybe add a couple of items. Would anyone be interested in setting it up the scripts and such. I got as far as getting the workbench to work, but I could not assign anyone to anything.


One area that would make a good settlement is University point. I know there are some out there, but it is still trashy and doesn't allow you to clean up. What I am proposing is I would go ahead and clean up the trash(using the CK, and that takes time also) that way whoever does the rest won't have to worry about the clean up.


Any takers?


P.S. If this is not the right place for this question, sorry, I am also new to the Forums. I am just a big NOOB all the way around. :geek:


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