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Photorealistic Commonwealth-Transparent Edges/Outlines


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As the title says, I've got strange "transparent" edges/outlines around objects in-game and even along the letterbox effect on the screen when using the Photorealistic Commonwealth ENB Preset. Considering there is no comment section or bug report section on the mod page itself, perhaps someone could help me here.


Edit: If needed, I can screenshot the issue.


Edit: Perhaps this topic belongs in troubleshooting. Nevertheless, I need help.

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I'm having the same problem and I can't find any DOF effect quality settings in the ENB menu. Tweaking anything under the depth of field menu does nothing, the only thing I've found that removes the effect is disabling postpass shader, but that's not an option cause disabling it kind of makes the whole mod useless. It's only an issue while talking to NPCs though so I guess I can live with it, even if it's annoying as heck.

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UPDATE: OK, the problem is not solved. The setting box isn't Effect Quality, it's some other option. I believe the default is 2.2? Sharpness maybe? Figured that setting it to 4 solved the problem, I'm mistaken it seems. Went to sanctuary and began seeing trees in the background through my character's hair again.


I had briefly switched to PILGRIM and came back to tweak and experiment with PRC; probably mistook the sharpness setting in PRC for the quality setting in PILGRIM. Both are under DOF EFFECT settings (or something along those lines).

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