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CK Crashing (CTD) a few seconds after opening plugin

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Hello guys,


I need some help, seriously!


This morning i went to open the CK like i always do, selected a plugin then loaded.

Everything was fine until i start moving around in the render window as i then get a CTD after a few seconds.


I've tried with various plugins, same result.


I validated my files, nothing changed, no missing files or anything. Still same result... CTD.


I've uninstalled the CK entirely, rebooted, re-downloaded it, re-installed. same f*#@ing result... CTD after a few seconds in it...


I'm at a lost... I haven't changed anything since last night, no new plugins have been installed or removed.


Please.. someone help me.

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As much as I hate to say this, Thank God it's not just me this is happening to!!! (Sorry AWAR)

Finally futzing around to make a mod and every 3-5 minutes...CRASH!

Stable platform would be sooo nice.

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You might want to repair your Fallout 4 installation.

Delete the fallout4.esm then verify it to make sure you get a clean version.

Or uninstall FO4 then reinstall... at 80+gb thats not an easy thing so start with the *.esm first.

You might also try and update your graphics drivers... just in case.

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