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werewolf disease making?


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okay, so im still pretty new to modding, least i myself consider me to still be new even though for past half year ive been modding, off and on, working on my mod,so all in all i dont have alot of exp in most things modding, but can anyone give any advice on making a werewolf disease? because my mod kinda revovles around werewolfs.

im building a dunegon with werewolfs in it, im make a mod where a group of dawnguards go and make their own group that make themselves werewolfs to fight the vampires, and i was wondering how would i go about giving them a werewolf disease? mean i know i can give them extra strength and stanima while in human form because werewolfs are stronger and such, but how would i actually go about making a disease and making it so they have it? and so that they may actually turn into werewolfs when they fight?ive done some searching and havnt really found any good videos or anything showing how to do what i have, so if anyone could help me on this or send me in the direction of a good tutorial i'd apreciate it,

Thanks in Advance!

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