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[LE] How do i change the voices in the cart ride

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I want to change the voices of the characters in the intro cart ride to my own voice. I am doing this for a meme and need help with how to do this, if its even possible. I want to keep what they are saying, but I want to record my own voice saying the lines instead of the originals.

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The easiest way would be to voice over the video you presumably record, or whatever medium you plan to use to share it with others..


The other way would be to replace the sound files that play in that Scene. If you opened the CK, found the Quest that contains the introduction, and opened up the Scene that plays, you could re-record through the CK. Or, you could just find out which sound files those are and replace them with your recordings. Of course, then you don't get the .lip files for lip-syncing.


If you're not comfortable with the CK, I'd definitely recommend the former. The only difficult part about the latter is finding exactly which scene and/or files that is.

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