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Linking Uploaded Videos to mods


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I uploaded a sort-of showcase/let's play of a mod on the nexus and I'm trying to figure out how to tag the mod on my video so it appears in the user-submitted section of his mod page, but I have never done it before and all the things I've tried have failed, I tried the link to the mod page I tried the name of the mod, and nothing. It's for Fallout 4 as well if that matters. If I could get some help I looked at the wiki and all that, no tutorials there or on Youtube. Not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum technically but I don't frequent the forums so...sorry in advance.

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When you go to submit a video, near the bottom of the page is a section that reads "If your video is showcasing files that can be found on the Nexus, please add them below:" There is a text field and ADD button below that.


The instructions for using this don't seem to exist, but I think you need to enter the name of the mod as it is listed on the Nexus. Try copying the name of the mod title from the mod page, paste it into the text field. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. It would seem to make more sense to use the URL of the mod page, but that doesn't seem to work.

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When you go to submit a video, near the bottom of the page is a section that reads "If your video is showcasing files that can be found on the Nexus, please add them below:" There is a text field and ADD button below that.


The instructions for using this don't seem to exist, but I think you need to enter the name of the mod as it is listed on the Nexus. Try copying the name of the mod title from the mod page, paste it into the text field. I'm pretty sure that's how it works. It would seem to make more sense to use the URL of the mod page, but that doesn't seem to work.

Yeah that field was I was trying to use. I tried copy and pasting the title exactly as it appears at the top of the page...nothing. It's very strange that they aren't clear on how this works but meh nothing's perfect.

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I did get it to work once a long time ago but can't remember how I did it. Yeah, some sort of instructions would help.


Try this: go to the Files tab of the mod. Copy the name of the main file (what you would actually download) as it is listed, and paste that in.

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I did get it to work once a long time ago but can't remember how I did it. Yeah, some sort of instructions would help.


Try this: go to the Files tab of the mod. Copy the name of the main file (what you would actually download) as it is listed, and paste that in.

Sadly, this was not the solution, I even copied the link which activates the download as well and still nothing, may just send an email to the nexus staff directly at this point.

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